What happens when you seek out knowledge?


What Makes Us Different

An organization has no value if it benefits no one. SME and your own Chapter 44 continually seek to broaden your knowledge base, not only for your productivity advancement, but for those (throughout the world) who benefit from it.


We've toured Edelbrock, Taylor Guitar, Olhausen Billiards, Sony, Solid Concepts, Hunter, Seabotics, and many more local companies. Join us for the next one.


Our seminars and dinner presentations included "Epoxies, Urethanes, and Silicones", "Design for Manufacturability", and "Patents" by a Patent attorney. Let us know what YOU would like to learn about.


We've build technology demonstrators for high schoolers, judged student inventions, and sponsored "Math Counts". Let's get out there and do more!


About Us

   tour group1

We are young, not so young and every age in between.

We consist of members, friends, family and coworkers.


Won't you join us at our next event?
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Chapter meetings

1 In-person meetings are held approximately every 2 months.

2 Our meetings are somewhat informal, very informative for all, and fun. Contact Dave (See below.)          if you'd like to attend our next

3 Coffee and muffins are on the house...well, on Chapter 44, to take things literally!

What's Hot? (Click on any image to obtain more information.)    IPC APEX EXPO